
Creative (business) consultant and inspirator

Romeo Sommers. As a creative business consultant and inspirator he travels the world boosting the innovative (green) success of businesses with his out-of-the-box way of thinking and working.

Organisers of exhibitions and events, as well as growers, producers and shops and retail chains in the green sector, call on Romeo’s expertise whenever they know it is time to take a new approach. They do so because Romeo helps them realise that being green never loses its charisma and always makes things more appealing, provided it is used in an inspiring way. This is exactly Romeo’s strength and where you can find your success, as he has already proven on the international stage.

Green your day

Via his own unique online platform, called Green Your Day, Romeo is able to reach more than 25,000 people every month and keep inspiring them to do more at home with flowers and plants.

Everyone has green fingers and if those green fingers can be used in an inspired way, the country will once again turn green, entirely in accordance with Romeo’s mission.

The power of green

Green gives you energy and oxygen and people find it attractive. Not just in the green sector since other sectors are increasingly discovering the power of green and are starting to use it. Green is gaining a more a more prominent role, on both the national and international stage. You have to use it within your business in a way that gets noticed. That is where your success lies and that is Romeo’s expertise

Where it all started…

As a child he thought that he was destined for a career in fashion, but things turned out differently. Even as a child Romeo was fascinated by the neighbour’s vegetable patch and that is where his love of all things green started. That love, combined with a hugely creative spirit and the capacity to think and go out of the box form the basis for the successes that Romeo achieves with his clients.


As a trendwatcher and well-known TV presenter (for example for the SBS6 programme ‘De Tuinruimers’ with Rob Verlinde and the RTL 4 ‘Koffietijd’ morning programme), Romeo regularly gives lectures, workshops and demonstrations. He is also a regular guest on various news programmes whenever the focus is on living and lifestyle trends.

He is the resident expert on all things green on the team of the ‘Koffietijd’ morning programme where, every week, he inspires viewers to get the most out of flowers and plants.